Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So I have a friend, old friend, not so much of a friend, acquaintance that is from DeWitt, Arkansas, my home town. So put a message up on Myspace today that wrote a Bulletin:

Title: DeWitt

Message: Unfortunately, 97% of myspacers wont repost thisWhen Jesus died on the crossHe was thinking of you.If you are one of the 3% who will stand up for Himjust repost this with your city's name

I Replied: ...unfortunately? how about thankfully... This is the dumbest chain ever. Wanna spread the gospel? Take notes: John 4.

She Replied: How about if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.....

I Replied: How about, if your a christian you act like one, so I don't hear shit from non-Christians about how "stupid" we are! Come on!

She Replied: I do act like a christian... why don't you stop judging.. you don't know anything about me other than you knew me a long time ago.... you didn't have to say anything about that bulletin.. you could've just went the other way..... I actually reposted it from someone who attends the same church as your dad.... go figure

I Replied (Something like): Go figure, that church is horrible, theologically in left field. It does more harm than good. Much like that bulletin you posted. I imagined you'd be smarter than than that. So knock that crap off!

Then I am deleted as a "friend" and cannot send any messages to her, nor does she reply.

Big whopp-de-do.

It absolutely pisses me off, infuriates me, when "Christians" make me look like a f-ing idiot. I can't stand it. I F-ing hate christians who, for one, don't even know that Jesus was a Jew. I could cus all night long. But my wife is calling. Now I most go.


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