Sunday, October 7, 2007


I've been gone for some time now, from Arkansas, and my family. I do miss my family but I don't miss my town, DeWitt. Today I called and talked with one of my cousins. I feel like crying now. He talked about his brothers, how they had changed. And its just unbelievable. I can't believe the change a year has made.

Only to go home unto the depression I once faced.


Thursday, October 4, 2007


So I haven't received any comments. It kinda bums me, but I understand why. I haven't told anyone about this blog, just assuming they'd all stumble upon it. And my content has been amazing so I'm not surprised that other passers-by haven't commented.

Oh well.

I haven't a thing to blog about.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Good Actor.

Clifton Collins Jr.

Was on my flight today. With all of 16 passengers on board it was an easy flight. And I enjoyed talking with "Clif". Obviously just small chatter as I didn't want to really interrupt him. And I didn't know it but he is a 3rd generation actor. Something to really be proud of. As I am a jack of all, master of none. This guy is good.

I made the comment to him that I always know a good actor/actress if I can't remember their name. Jokingly, that has a lot of truth to it. See, I remember Clif from the movie "The Last Castle". He had a great part in that movie and did an amazing job. I'd say most of the time its the actors without lead roles that make the movie. And you're only as strong as your weakest link.

Ok. I'm done

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So I have a friend, old friend, not so much of a friend, acquaintance that is from DeWitt, Arkansas, my home town. So put a message up on Myspace today that wrote a Bulletin:

Title: DeWitt

Message: Unfortunately, 97% of myspacers wont repost thisWhen Jesus died on the crossHe was thinking of you.If you are one of the 3% who will stand up for Himjust repost this with your city's name

I Replied: ...unfortunately? how about thankfully... This is the dumbest chain ever. Wanna spread the gospel? Take notes: John 4.

She Replied: How about if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.....

I Replied: How about, if your a christian you act like one, so I don't hear shit from non-Christians about how "stupid" we are! Come on!

She Replied: I do act like a christian... why don't you stop judging.. you don't know anything about me other than you knew me a long time ago.... you didn't have to say anything about that bulletin.. you could've just went the other way..... I actually reposted it from someone who attends the same church as your dad.... go figure

I Replied (Something like): Go figure, that church is horrible, theologically in left field. It does more harm than good. Much like that bulletin you posted. I imagined you'd be smarter than than that. So knock that crap off!

Then I am deleted as a "friend" and cannot send any messages to her, nor does she reply.

Big whopp-de-do.

It absolutely pisses me off, infuriates me, when "Christians" make me look like a f-ing idiot. I can't stand it. I F-ing hate christians who, for one, don't even know that Jesus was a Jew. I could cus all night long. But my wife is calling. Now I most go.



My first post on my new blog.

I wonder who will read my writings? I wonder what will come of it. I wonder if my thoughts will go from point A to point B and make sense! I'm sure they will. But I wonder if you will come along with me. Converse with me. Disagree with me. I humbly and eagerly await that.

My name is Ron Carter. These are my thoughts.