Sunday, October 7, 2007


I've been gone for some time now, from Arkansas, and my family. I do miss my family but I don't miss my town, DeWitt. Today I called and talked with one of my cousins. I feel like crying now. He talked about his brothers, how they had changed. And its just unbelievable. I can't believe the change a year has made.

Only to go home unto the depression I once faced.



triggerua said...

I read your entry, sorry you are feeling low. Just another Flight Attendant who stumbled across youor blog! Take Care

Kathy said...

So I'm the second commenter. Yeah, I didn't know you made this one or else I would have been here sooner.
As you can tell, I perfer blogger over myspace. It just feels easier to me. Keep writing Ron...I'll keep reading.
I am sick today with a cold. I'm on reserve so I hope they don't call me.