Friday, April 4, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is and should be a somber day. One of the most influential Christians of the modern era was killed forty years ago today. This morning I woke up early, couldn't sleep so I've been doing some cleaning and have been watching TV which hasn't focused a minute on the real Martin Luther King Jr. Now, whether or not I actually know who or what that was, by hearing a speech of his "Promise Land" speech I am sickened by Jesse Jackson and most of the black rights advocates who site MLK Jr.

Let me give you some statistics. In a 2004 census, there were 4.5 Million African American males between the ages of 15-29 living in the United States. They made up 14% where in the same age range 19.1 million White males made up the 61% of the population. In 2005 10.1% of African American males between the ages of 18-29 were convicted and imprisoned where 1.5% of white males where in the same situation.

Now I can say that I am not racist, I don't judge a book by its cover, but I certainly do judge the contents of a book. And that's where Jesse Jackson and others have it all wrong. MLK Jr. was interested in civil rights at the time and the black population which was certainly being oppressed, but if you listen to MLK Jr.'s speeches he was a christian, loving people, standing up against injustice, and preaching Jesus Christ the savior of man-kind, the only God through with salvation can be obtained.

Jesse Jackson is more interested in his pockets than Jesus or his own race. If there is a stereo type for black men, I'd say by looking at the statistics it isn't unwarranted. That saddens me. If MLK Jr. were to give a speech today, I believe it would be to repent, because there is no name on Heaven or on Earth through which men are saved but Jesus. And we are obviously in need of a savior for all men. And before there is a cultural change, before the stereo types can be done away with there.

MLK Jr. Gave a prophetic speech the day before he died, he prophesied his dead. I'll post a portion of it that isn't often referenced or talked about.

"Promise Land" April 3rd, 1968

"...We need all of you. And you know what's beautiful to me, is to see all of these ministers of the Gospel. It's a marvellous picture. Who is it that is supposed to articulate the longings and aspirations of the people more than the preacher? Somehow the preacher must be an Amos, and say, "Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream." Somehow, the preacher must say with Jesus, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to deal with the problems of the poor." ..."

Monday, March 31, 2008

Retraction... Sort of.

OK, its really not all bad.

Yeah my last few posts have been a little abrasive and haven't really shown the good side of Skywest. So maybe I should shed a little light on the positive instead of my negative rants!

1. I received a hand written card in the mail from my VP of Inflight congratulating me on the birth of my little girl. That's pretty incredible. How she knew, I don't really know besides my taking Family Medical Leave. That really made my day.

2. Skywest has a program for employees that, if selected, they'll pay your way through dispatch school. I've applied with fingers crossed. Last year they did it and I was ineligible as I was too young! So this year as I'm of age for the job, I'm giving it all I've got! It will mean some sacrifice and it will be a challenge if I'm one of the lucky 6. But I am up for a challenge.

3. They really aren't that bad. The last post I made was harsh towards a certain person. And I understand a little more now what was going on. The email was sent to the uniform committee... now how I was even on the committee I'm not sure, but nonetheless it was sent in a very crass and I didn't appreciate it. Things like that really make me wish I worked for someone else. Now, I must say, these type of "mistakes" mainly just centered to the inflight department. And it is certainly understandable. If you've got 4,000 flight attendants that don't care or feel appreciated tensions will rise. Policies become bars and aircrafts the prisons your locked behind. That's the mindset that so easily takes place in the department. Frankly, I think its only growing pains and I understand both sides of the coin. Our management is stretched thin and is not very consistent or courteous. But again, its growing pains. Over time these things will even out. This is a good place to work and continue to work for.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Same Old Crap.

So, I've come to realize that my company is #1. Childish and #2. Ridiculous.

About 7 months ago our chief FA emailed the FA group asking for a few flight attendants who would be interested in designing a new uniform to fit our clients' needs, yada yada. The response, myself included, was undoubtedly overwhelming. So a "uniform committee" was created. That's when I lost interest as I'm sure there would be plenty of FA's to design a uniform. After all, I'm a man and I have little to no interest in what our female FA's wear, So I left it at that and recieved no follow-up meeting time or anything committee related.

I don't know exactly how the chain of command works with the FA's at my company, if it works at all, but somehow a email was sent out a week ago by our "service manager" asking for our feedback in a choice of 3 or 4 uniforms. Apparently (as I didn't read the email in detail) it had a choice of an expensive to maintain uniform or one that is cheap. I could care less and I expect my company to compensate me for any expenses pertaining to my duties, my uniform included. In other words, I'm not on the "committee" and I could care less what monkey suit I'm in.

Here's a follow up email I and quite a few (maybe all) FA's recieved regarding the matter,

Subject: Thanks,

"Thank you so much for your feedback. We had a total of 38 people reply telling us if they preferred washable or dry clean pants. The results were almost unbelievable, 18 for washable and 18 for dry clean and 2 for a 100% wool pant.
We have inquired to see if we could have a washable and a dry clean pant in our selection as well a lined and unlined pant, to cover all the climates and seasons that we work in.
We appreciate your interest in the future of our uniforms. There is not doubt that with your input we will have a comfortable, fashionable and reasonably priced uniform."

Now, I replied today, a simple: "That was uncalled for, don't you think?"

I could care less if she responds or not. If she does reply, I'd almost hope she would reply angrily because this is absolutely unprofessional and uncalled for and, whether or not she is to blame, I do not want her or anyone who would respond this way to be in management of me or anyone else.

Childishness is undoubtably unprofessional. Being ridiculous will destroy a profession.

PS, I'm also very impressed she can count!

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Worst Friday

So those of you who know me know that I am a christian. Well, at least one that doesn't fit the American stereo type, but a christian nonetheless. Today is "Good Friday" which in the time line of Christianity is the day which Jesus was executed. That doesn't sound very good hu? You're leader and your God being killed. That's horrible! That's anything but good. However for Christians it is pivotal. Because on the third day, his dead body came back to life.

Many people say well, Jesus wasn't actually dead and I would actually like to disagree with them, there is to much evidence that proves he was dead bear in mind that the Romans were great at killing people and certainly wouldn't pass up the chance to waste the "King of the Jews".

The fact is Jesus rose and then the idea of his death made monumental sense to the Jews and their religion which we have to understand because Jesus was a Jew and came to the Jews and so salvation is in a since Jewish! But semantic theologies aside, this rising of a dead body can't be ignored.

The one thing that I find so odd is that after Jesus rose he hung out just for a little bit before his ascension into heaven. And notice that ascension is the word used. He's not dead. Even now Jesus is alive and so wherever heaven is, that's where he is. That seems a little weird I know, and that's one of the many things that the Jews today, unless masonic, don't grasp as they were looking for an earthly king, not a "heavenly" one.

I know I've opened a huge can of discussional worms here but the bottom line is that today is the day that will save us, if we accept this king as our king. I don't grasp that part fully and I don't think I ever really will. But who am I to judge the creator? All I know is that this evidence is undeniable and however many theologies there are out there, they are all subject to one thing. Jesus was murdered and then came back to life just like he said would happen. It has withstood 2,000 years of criticism, countless hypocrites, cultures, and lunatics; Even my disbelief. I can't escape it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

24 hours in SFO

The time is 11:30 in San Fransisco. I'm in my cold hotel room relaxing and killing time as my hotel shuttle isn't until 15:00. Usually on a long layover I'd be downtown or in a coffee shop somewhere. Today I've opted to stay in doors. I've got to say, its a gorgeous day in SFO no fog and no clouds. Still, our bird is running a little behind schedule, but its not too bad.

And life isn't bad. I'm still a little frustrated with my company, but its not bad enough to leave. Sure if I found a better offer I'd be on it like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat, But it isn't too bad. I'm flying with a very good FA this trip and of course it makes all the difference in the world. And its nice to be able to vent to someone who notices the same ignorance that I do. Its really quite therapeutic.

And so, I'm thinking about taking a nap. :)

Nice day.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

company email:

"We have just received the final April Pairings and unfortunately the flying has decreased more than we had originally anticipated. The decrease in flying has affected the reserve compliment in several of our domiciles.

For the month of April we are offing the entire month off with out pay in the following domiciles:
PSP (2)
SBP (1)
SBA (3)
MRY (2)
SAN (5)
COS (4)
ATL (6)

Requests will be granted in seniority order. Part time and full time line holders are eligible. Current benefits will not be affected for those who are granted time off without pay.

If you are not based in one of the domiciles above and would like to inquire about time off with out pay, please contact your Chief Flight Attendant or the MOD. Requests will be granted based on reserve availability.

Please send an online message to S-----W---- no later than Sunday March 16 by 4pm MST in order to be considered for time off with out pay for the entire month of April. You will be notified by Sunday March 16, 2008 by 2100 MST if you were awarded time off without pay for April.

If you have any questions please feel free to call S------W---- or C--------M------- anytime this weekend.

Thank you!"

I suppose I should polish up my resume' and start looking for a new job. It all makes since now why management has been so ridiculous these past few months. They need people to quit. And its down right scary how they expect so much when they give so little. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a major exodus from the FA's and I'm surprised we haven't yet.

Friday, March 14, 2008

What the Hell?

I am beginning to hate my job. Not because it isn’t fun, it is. Not because I don’t like flying, I do. Not because I dislike grumpy passengers, I do, but not enough to hate my job. I am beginning to hate my job because of ridiculous management.

Today is my first day back since I my baby was born and I am sitting around in San Francisco for seven hours. Seven hours. It may end up being more depending on ATC flow. Anyway, my company is now doing “spot checks” for its flight attendants. Which is a good idea on paper, you look around for someone doing something totally wrong, that’s a good idea right? Sure! But, I have a hard time with a “spot check” that has absolutely nothing to do with my job. Nothing. Management has lead FA’s in the hubs, in crew lounges, doing spot checks. Now this tends to be: you’re not in 100% compliance with our uniform policy. It tends to be hurtful. It tends to be nothing as what would warrant why I was hired in the first place.

I do a good job. I am polite, prompt, watchful, comply with all FAR’s, so why do a spot check on me when I’m on a break in San Francisco? When I’m off duty on my computer? Why not do something relevant, intelligent, something that would benefit the company?

I understand management has to enforce the policies and procedures it has in place. But be realistic. Be resourceful. Be relevant, don’t just police for the sake of policing or hurt the body because of the error of the hand.

This is not a good day, but I’m OK with that. It is my company that I’m not enjoying.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008



So, I noticed that I hadn't posted on here in a while, in fact I had completely forget about this blog. And I suppose it would be worth the time to blog, as this seems to be the best site to actually have a blog.

Let us begin with the new baby. My wife gave birth to a little girl, Bailey Marie Carter, on February 10th at 2:22PM. It was pretty intense. I have photos up on my facebook profile and I'll see if I can either put a link to it on here or maybe put a few photos up on here.

So I'm still in Colorado Springs, CO. I really like it here even though the weather is pretty schizophrenic right now. For example, last Saturday we had a high of 70 and it was nice and sunny and the Sunday we had a small blizzard! The weather here is more predictable than the U of A Basketball team though... Good grief!? Losing to Ole Miss after beating Vandy?!


And I'm still a flight attendant for SkyWest airlines even though I haven't worked since the 7th of February as I've been on family leave with the baby. I'm not complaining about that either! I've been considering working less hours and holding some sort of local part-time job. It would really give me a little more peace of mind to have some fun on the side, especially since the flight attendant job becomes really stressful after a while.

Over the past few months I've become very excited about the upcoming football season. I know, its really pathetic since spring football is still a month away and we're beginning March Madness right now. Nevertheless, with Bobby Petrino at the U of A, I can't help but think how fun next year will be. I should really go to more games next year. The Tulsa game and the Ole Miss game are certain to be interesting with plenty of drama in the mix.

And in closing, I've really been bad about just reading blogs and not posting any of my own. I'll do a better job! And I think I'll make this blog my primary one. Yeah, that sounds nice!