Friday, March 14, 2008

What the Hell?

I am beginning to hate my job. Not because it isn’t fun, it is. Not because I don’t like flying, I do. Not because I dislike grumpy passengers, I do, but not enough to hate my job. I am beginning to hate my job because of ridiculous management.

Today is my first day back since I my baby was born and I am sitting around in San Francisco for seven hours. Seven hours. It may end up being more depending on ATC flow. Anyway, my company is now doing “spot checks” for its flight attendants. Which is a good idea on paper, you look around for someone doing something totally wrong, that’s a good idea right? Sure! But, I have a hard time with a “spot check” that has absolutely nothing to do with my job. Nothing. Management has lead FA’s in the hubs, in crew lounges, doing spot checks. Now this tends to be: you’re not in 100% compliance with our uniform policy. It tends to be hurtful. It tends to be nothing as what would warrant why I was hired in the first place.

I do a good job. I am polite, prompt, watchful, comply with all FAR’s, so why do a spot check on me when I’m on a break in San Francisco? When I’m off duty on my computer? Why not do something relevant, intelligent, something that would benefit the company?

I understand management has to enforce the policies and procedures it has in place. But be realistic. Be resourceful. Be relevant, don’t just police for the sake of policing or hurt the body because of the error of the hand.

This is not a good day, but I’m OK with that. It is my company that I’m not enjoying.

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