Friday, March 21, 2008

The Worst Friday

So those of you who know me know that I am a christian. Well, at least one that doesn't fit the American stereo type, but a christian nonetheless. Today is "Good Friday" which in the time line of Christianity is the day which Jesus was executed. That doesn't sound very good hu? You're leader and your God being killed. That's horrible! That's anything but good. However for Christians it is pivotal. Because on the third day, his dead body came back to life.

Many people say well, Jesus wasn't actually dead and I would actually like to disagree with them, there is to much evidence that proves he was dead bear in mind that the Romans were great at killing people and certainly wouldn't pass up the chance to waste the "King of the Jews".

The fact is Jesus rose and then the idea of his death made monumental sense to the Jews and their religion which we have to understand because Jesus was a Jew and came to the Jews and so salvation is in a since Jewish! But semantic theologies aside, this rising of a dead body can't be ignored.

The one thing that I find so odd is that after Jesus rose he hung out just for a little bit before his ascension into heaven. And notice that ascension is the word used. He's not dead. Even now Jesus is alive and so wherever heaven is, that's where he is. That seems a little weird I know, and that's one of the many things that the Jews today, unless masonic, don't grasp as they were looking for an earthly king, not a "heavenly" one.

I know I've opened a huge can of discussional worms here but the bottom line is that today is the day that will save us, if we accept this king as our king. I don't grasp that part fully and I don't think I ever really will. But who am I to judge the creator? All I know is that this evidence is undeniable and however many theologies there are out there, they are all subject to one thing. Jesus was murdered and then came back to life just like he said would happen. It has withstood 2,000 years of criticism, countless hypocrites, cultures, and lunatics; Even my disbelief. I can't escape it.

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