Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Same Old Crap.

So, I've come to realize that my company is #1. Childish and #2. Ridiculous.

About 7 months ago our chief FA emailed the FA group asking for a few flight attendants who would be interested in designing a new uniform to fit our clients' needs, yada yada. The response, myself included, was undoubtedly overwhelming. So a "uniform committee" was created. That's when I lost interest as I'm sure there would be plenty of FA's to design a uniform. After all, I'm a man and I have little to no interest in what our female FA's wear, So I left it at that and recieved no follow-up meeting time or anything committee related.

I don't know exactly how the chain of command works with the FA's at my company, if it works at all, but somehow a email was sent out a week ago by our "service manager" asking for our feedback in a choice of 3 or 4 uniforms. Apparently (as I didn't read the email in detail) it had a choice of an expensive to maintain uniform or one that is cheap. I could care less and I expect my company to compensate me for any expenses pertaining to my duties, my uniform included. In other words, I'm not on the "committee" and I could care less what monkey suit I'm in.

Here's a follow up email I and quite a few (maybe all) FA's recieved regarding the matter,

Subject: Thanks,

"Thank you so much for your feedback. We had a total of 38 people reply telling us if they preferred washable or dry clean pants. The results were almost unbelievable, 18 for washable and 18 for dry clean and 2 for a 100% wool pant.
We have inquired to see if we could have a washable and a dry clean pant in our selection as well a lined and unlined pant, to cover all the climates and seasons that we work in.
We appreciate your interest in the future of our uniforms. There is not doubt that with your input we will have a comfortable, fashionable and reasonably priced uniform."

Now, I replied today, a simple: "That was uncalled for, don't you think?"

I could care less if she responds or not. If she does reply, I'd almost hope she would reply angrily because this is absolutely unprofessional and uncalled for and, whether or not she is to blame, I do not want her or anyone who would respond this way to be in management of me or anyone else.

Childishness is undoubtably unprofessional. Being ridiculous will destroy a profession.

PS, I'm also very impressed she can count!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Uh, what can I say...

I agree that the company is getting stupid. But if you go and quit I'm gonna be pissed!

Yet, you have a family to provide for now, and GOD knows you can barely do that on this paycheck! Therefore, I wouldn't blame you...but heck if you leave I'm gonna miss ya! Let me know your schedule and maybe we can do the coffee thing. I fly in and out of SFO a lot.
However, I just took emergency leave this week due to a family crisis. Yes, another one.. unfortunately.