Monday, March 31, 2008

Retraction... Sort of.

OK, its really not all bad.

Yeah my last few posts have been a little abrasive and haven't really shown the good side of Skywest. So maybe I should shed a little light on the positive instead of my negative rants!

1. I received a hand written card in the mail from my VP of Inflight congratulating me on the birth of my little girl. That's pretty incredible. How she knew, I don't really know besides my taking Family Medical Leave. That really made my day.

2. Skywest has a program for employees that, if selected, they'll pay your way through dispatch school. I've applied with fingers crossed. Last year they did it and I was ineligible as I was too young! So this year as I'm of age for the job, I'm giving it all I've got! It will mean some sacrifice and it will be a challenge if I'm one of the lucky 6. But I am up for a challenge.

3. They really aren't that bad. The last post I made was harsh towards a certain person. And I understand a little more now what was going on. The email was sent to the uniform committee... now how I was even on the committee I'm not sure, but nonetheless it was sent in a very crass and I didn't appreciate it. Things like that really make me wish I worked for someone else. Now, I must say, these type of "mistakes" mainly just centered to the inflight department. And it is certainly understandable. If you've got 4,000 flight attendants that don't care or feel appreciated tensions will rise. Policies become bars and aircrafts the prisons your locked behind. That's the mindset that so easily takes place in the department. Frankly, I think its only growing pains and I understand both sides of the coin. Our management is stretched thin and is not very consistent or courteous. But again, its growing pains. Over time these things will even out. This is a good place to work and continue to work for.

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